People with Disabilities - SD Awareness

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People with Disabilities - SD Awareness

...Where People Stand up to be Counted

    Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays....


    Posts : 40
    Join date : 2016-06-24

    Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays.... Empty Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays....

    Post by Admin Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:25 pm

    G,Day everybody,
    I know we have been not dealing with this forum too to much. I'm thinking soon I may move this forum as I suggested before. Being it's not that active....

    But besides that I wanted to wish everybody a Happy Holiday and that you are all safe as we are dealing with so much this year (2020) I know it is hard to actually visit somebody one loves physically and it's also hard when those you love are not that into technology. But there is always phones still and one could hear ones voices. My own family we had a lot to deal with in the beginning of this year and still have to deal with so so much.

    This time of year can be very stressful. And Depressing as well. As I try to have our facebook page going I may even do a group within for the holidays so people could chat with other people. Though not sure if anybody would like it.

    I did have some tech issues of course we just cannot get away with that can we! winking

    However on a great note this is the holiday season and yes I will be home making my own type of foods. Not turkey or ham as I'll leave that to my own relatives that will do a curb stop.

    So what are all you going to make? I'm going low carbs and I am not going to cheat. Done to much of that already so got to get back to a better live style.

    I will let you know more about the switch on our forum. As I said I will be moving it in hopes for better activity.

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and of course Happy Holidays for all....

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:42 am